The Florida Supportive Housing Coalition (FSHC) is a statewide advocacy organization of other statewide advocacy organizations, affordable and supportive housing developers, service providers, homeless coalitions, local governments, and other likeminded businesses and individuals who understand the role of stable housing to the health and wellbeing of individuals with special needs or experiencing homelessness.
In the past several years, Florida has made great progress in increasing the supply of supportive housing but even with this progress there is still a significant gap that requires our collaborative advocacy.
Florida Supportive Housing Coalition members are at the forefront of developing policies and initiatives to increase supportive housing for persons with disabilities including persons with mental illnesses, substance use disorders, seniors, and veterans; for youth aging out of foster care, victims of domestic violence, and persons experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.
Community Spotlight
Broward Partnership
Founded in 1997, Broward Partnership is committed to reducing homelessness by promoting independence and self-worth through advocacy, housing, and comprehensive services. The Partnership is the largest comprehensive homeless service provider in Broward County offering street outreach, 500 beds of emergency shelter at the Central Homeless Assistance Center (CHAC) in Fort Lauderdale and North Homeless Assistance Center (NHAC) in Pompano Beach, 133 units of scattered-site permanent housing in Broward County, and a complete array of health and social services designed to help individuals and families transition out of homelessness. The Partnership has won best practices awards from the Florida Department of Children and Families and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.