Convening stakeholders to focus attention on the elder housing crisis and collaborate to implement solutions at the county level is the first step.   


The Area Agency on Aging and the Continuum of Care for the Homeless working together can coordinate efforts to help their shared population of elders who are at risk of losing their homes or have already done so.   

Older Adults and Homelessness: How Continuums of Care and Area Agencies on Aging Can Collaborate | United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (usich.gov) 

AAA, Continuum of Care and 211 system working together to assemble and maintain an up-to-date resource inventory, including housing resources.

Collaborate to create opportunity to screen for housing instability and for problem-solving conversation for those at imminent risk of losing homes, and seek resources for prevention (local governments that administer HOME and SHIP funds, philanthropy, and faith-based sources).


Undertake, encourage and support efforts to provide (a) subsidized apartments with rent affordable to a person relying on Social Security (30% Area Median Income) (b) supportive housing for those with more complex needs as an alternative to assisted living (c) emergency housing in individual units geared to elders as an alternative to typical shelters, with services like those created during Covid. 



Housing Assistance Resources